martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Appearance and identity

• he looks extremely serious
• he could be a bit honest
• I reckon he’s rather reserved
• I’d imagine he isn’t at all cheerful
• he's probably a bit trustworthy

Appearance and identity

• She looks like very intelligent
• I’d imagine she’s a bit friendly
• I reckon she’s really sophisticated
• She’s probably fairly sensitive
• She could be quite insecure

Apperance and identity

-He looks very sociable
-I'd imagine he's really cheerful
-He is probably quite insecure
-I reckon he is fairly reserved
-He could be extremly friendly

Appearance and identity

She is Emma Watson.
I reckon she's a really cheerful girl, because she looks very happy. I'd imagine she's a bit outgoing too. She looks rather sophisticated, although she wears natural makeup. In the way she looks at the camera, she could be fairly secure.