jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

My Future Transport...

We will have a round and green car, It will cost  £8,000. My friends and parents will love my car ♥ and they will want one like ours.

Resultado de imagen para autos raros

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Ancient Greek includes the forms of Greek used in ancient Greece and the ancient world from around the 9th century BCE to the 6th century CE. It is often roughly divided into the Archaic period (9th to 6th centuries BCE), Classical period (5th and 4th centuries BCE), and Hellenistic period (3rd century BCE to 6th century CE). It is antedated in the second millennium BCE by Mycenaean Greek.
Resultado de imagen para antigua grecia

 Gods of Ancient Greek
Resultado de imagen para gods of ancient greece

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Ancient treasure

Ancient Egyptians:

Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa.

is concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt.

- Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power in the New Kingdom, during the Ramesside period, where it rivalled the Hittite Empire, Assyrian Empire and Mitanni Empire, after which it entered a period of slow decline.

-The Great Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza are among the most recognizable symbols of the civilization of ancient Egypt.

-Hieroglyphic writing is composed of hundreds of symbols. A hieroglyph can represent a word, a sound, or a silent determinative; and the same symbol can serve different purposes in different contexts.

Resultado de imagen para jeroglíficos

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

The tomatina

La Tomatina is a festival held in the Valencian town of Bunol (Spain). It is always held on the last Wednesday of August, within a week of festivities Buñol and involves participants throw tomatoes at each other.

The party has some rules for the safety of participants and the party continues as every year, without any incident:

·They should not throw bottles or other objects that could cause damage or accidents. You can only ·throw tomatoes.
·should not break the shirts of other participants.
·Tomatoes must be crushed before its release for not hurt anyone.
·Care must be taken to the passage of trucks carrying tomatoes.
·The firing of the second housing is terminated launching tomatoes.
·All participants using goggles (swimming, diving, etc) and gloves is recommended.
·Wear old clothes or not use more again; most likely you end to pull.
·Closed choose shoes that can then be discarded.
·If you want to take pictures, we recommend using a waterproof camera and falls, or equip it with a protective case.
·Search accommodation well in advance.
·It is recommended to arrive early to the people at 7.00 drive access close to town and can only be entered on foot. Ideally park on the outskirts, in the industrial estate for example.
·Always follow the instructions of security personnel.

Battle of the orange

The festival's origins are somewhat unclear. A popular account has it that it commemorates the city's defiance against the city's tyrant, who is either a member of the Ranieri family or a conflation of the 12th-century Ranieri di Biandrate and the 13th-century Marquis William VII of Montferrat. This tyrant attempted to rape a young commoner (often specified as a miller's daughter) on the eve of her wedding, supposedly exercising the droit du seigneur. The tyrant's plan backfired when the young woman instead decapitated him, after which the populace stormed and burned the palace. 

Each year, a young girl is chosen to play the part of violetta,the defiant young woman 

sky lantern

Sky lantern

A sky lantern, also known as Kongming lantern or Chinese lantern, is a small hot air balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended.

In Asia and elsewhere around the world, sky lanterns have been traditionally made for centuries, to be launched for play or as part of long-established festivities. Sky lanterns have also been referred to as sky candles or fire balloons. He is said to have used a message written on a sky lantern to summon help on an occasion when he was surrounded by enemy troops.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Ice and Snow Festival

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival' is an annual winter festival that takes place with a theme in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, and now is the largest ice and snow festival in the world. At first participants in the festival were mainly Chinese, however it has since become an international festival and competition. The festival includes the world's biggest ice sculptures.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Hopes and dreams

Hopes and Dreams

I'm interested in reading mistery books but im good at playing computer games

My special talent is playing tennis but my dream is to act in a film or create a computer game.

 Hopes and Dreams

I am interested in singing but i am good at doing gymnastics.

My special talent is doing gymnastics. my dream is to fly like a birds

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Humans of Argentina

She is 65 years old, she lives in Escalante.
She has got 2 sons.She likes cooking and
speding time with her family...

I work as a farmer in a rented farm.
In my free time I like playing tennis...

He is 43 years old, He is a fireman and
an electrician, He has got 3 daughters
and he likes playing football and playing tennis...

My favourite sports are volleyball and swimming and
i love watching soap operas on TV. I lke drinking

She is 10 years old .She has gots two sisters. 
Her school is Juan XXIII Institute

 .Her favourite subjects are Social Studies and Maths.
Her favourite colour is turquoise. 

She likes singing and doing gymnastics...

I go to Remedios Escalada de San Martin school.
Classes start at 13:30 and finish at 17:30. My
favourite colour is pink and my favourite sport is
swimming. I like banana and milk jum...