martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Appearance and identity

• he looks extremely serious
• he could be a bit honest
• I reckon he’s rather reserved
• I’d imagine he isn’t at all cheerful
• he's probably a bit trustworthy

Appearance and identity

• She looks like very intelligent
• I’d imagine she’s a bit friendly
• I reckon she’s really sophisticated
• She’s probably fairly sensitive
• She could be quite insecure

Apperance and identity

-He looks very sociable
-I'd imagine he's really cheerful
-He is probably quite insecure
-I reckon he is fairly reserved
-He could be extremly friendly

Appearance and identity

She is Emma Watson.
I reckon she's a really cheerful girl, because she looks very happy. I'd imagine she's a bit outgoing too. She looks rather sophisticated, although she wears natural makeup. In the way she looks at the camera, she could be fairly secure.

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the atlantic ocean. this area is famous for the disappearance of hundreds of ships and planes.




Resultado de imagen para SOCORRO UFO

Lonnie Zamora, a policema, was driving when saw fire. When he drove near, saw a large egg shaped "Machine" about 5 meters long with 4 legs and two very short "mens". Suddenly, the machine made a very loud noise and stay in the air for a few minutes and dissapeared into the sky